We welcome you to the website of Ale & Teviot United Church, a congregation of the Church of Scotland serving the communities of Ancrum, Crailing, Eckford and Lilliesleaf at the heart of the beautiful Scottish Borders.
Ale & Teviot United Church is what’s called the “parish church” for our area. That’s important, because it means that we’re not just a cosy wee club, providing services to existing members, but instead that we’re committed to reach out in compassion and fellowship to everyone, of every age, living in our area, and to share with you the Good News of a Saviour who loves you unconditionally.
We are nominally “Presbyterian”, but we hope that what we do will be used by the Lord to touch people of all denominations and none.
We trust that you will enjoy reading about us, but more importantly that you will be attracted to know and love the Jesus we seek to love and serve each day.
We promise you a warm welcome if you are able to join us for any of the Sunday services or other events you find on this website.
Help to support our church
Ale & Teviot United Church is registered with Amazon smile. This means that anyone who uses Amazon for purchases can, without any extra cost to themselves, give 0.5% of the cost of their Amazon purchases to Ale & Teviot. To do this, shop through AmazonSmile.
Shop using smile.amazon.co.uk , select Ale & Teviot United Church as the charity and Amazon make the donation and transfer the quarterly total directly to the Ale & Teviot bank account.
Go to https://smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/SC016457 to get more information.
The “EasyFundraising” online organisation does not support Amazon, but many other online companies can be accessed through Easy Fundraising to raise funds by getting small percentages donated to Ale & Teviot.